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Comet Madness: How the 1910 Return of Halley's Comet (almost) Destroyed Civilization

In 1705, Edmond Halley liberated humanity from the belief that comets were portents of doom. The English astronomer proved that Newtonian mechanics rather than the will of the gods brought comets into our celestial neighborhood.

Despite this scientific advance, when Halley’s Comet returned in 1910 and astronomers announced that our planet would pass through its poisonous tail, newspapers gleefully provoked a global hysteria that unfolded with tragic consequences.

In Comet Madness, author and historian Richard J. Goodrich examines the 1910 appearance of Halley’s Comet and the ensuing frenzy sparked by media manipulation, bogus science, and outright deception. The result is a fascinating and illuminating narrative history that illustrates how we behave in the face of potential calamity – then and now. Comet Madness reveals how humans confront the unknown, how scientists learn about the world we inhabit, and how certain people—from outright hucksters to opportunistic journalists—harness fear to produce a profit.

What the Reviewers are saying:

"Comet Madness" captures everything: the scientists and charlatans, the wonders and the fears elicited. Goodrich shows that science is never really settled, only refined over time. He wraps everything in an exciting, informative, and entertaining book. – Mark Lardas, American Essence, April, 2023.

Comet Madness is a fascinating look at historical issues that we still struggle with today — media overhype, the tension between the scientific process and the need for headlines and, yes, not knowing what’s in the skies above us. – Elizabeth Held, What to Read If

Featuring a wealth of historical information, from early Chinese archives to latter-day records, Comet Madness generates a collectively sound reflection of how such events impacted upon the human psyche, delivering an enjoyable amble through humankind’s relationship with comets. – Jonathan Powell, BBC Sky at Night

This is an excellent read all round, for science and astronomy buffs particularly, but sociologists, anthropologists, and indeed anyone interested in media and its influence on culture will find it fascinating. – Patricia G. From NetGalley

A fascinating account of a time when everyone thought they had the inside source, or the real scoop on a situation, didn't and countless innocent and gullible people paid the cost...Recommended for both science readers and people interested in both media and how rumors and bad science can become so ingrained in people's heads and hearts. Dan O., From NetGalley

Goodrich takes a look at how the media created an absolute frenzy around...well, not much of anything but misrepresentations and crackpot theories. If you are a person who walks around these days saying, "fake news" then this book is clearly for you. – Brendan Dowd, History Nerds United

Go ahead and pick up a copy of Comet Madness and enjoy the tale of how the world was (almost) destroyed. – Elizabeth M., From NetGalley.

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Copyright Richard J. Goodrich, 2008-2025